Attending: Ron Browning, Darlene Perry, Kathy Keen, Kathleen Lee, Roger Lee, Jean Johnson, Judy Plitt, Carolyn Zinner, Joyce Rodgers, and Joe Kiester.
Budget $2806.60 as of June 30, 2020. Joe K. is our new treasurer.
Taxes have been filed for 2019. Membership cards have been mailed out to all members. Tabitha created the membership cards and the website.
The Foundation needs to attract business memberships. Carol Nemeth (Spencer-Silver Mansion) and George Wagner will offer business discounts. We now have 25 members.
Tabitha has been putting blogs from and about various historic sites on our website. Please give merchants a brochure. Ron is working on a credit card account so we can accept credit applications from memberships and donations. Tabitha is working on a crowdfunding account for the Foundation for projects we may want to do.
The John O’Neil statue is put on hold for now. We need to do more research on him. We may have a plaque honoring him.
Grant: Jean Johnson, Dianne Klair, and Carolyn Zinner have been working on a grant to have a new survey done of all homes built before 1970 in the Historic District of Havre de Grace. An Intent Letter was sent out last week. We are asking for $40,000. This would pay for a Historic Architectural Historian to conduct the survey with the help of volunteers. The volunteers would be paid $25.00 an hour.
There were no new announcements.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:41 PM
Respectfully submitted by Kathleen Lee, secretary