Notes about the September 22, 2020 meeting

Hello Historic Havre de Grace Foundation:  Though the weather has  turned crisp; we are going to delay meeting in person again and cancel the September 22 meeting. Partly, because of an uptick in the number of covid-19 cases in Harford County & HDG but also because my agenda is short; there is really little cause to meet for meeting sake. I have received input from various members and give you the following report for September.
New memberships : Jean Johnson/  Mary Poughkeepsie/  Andrew Cordle/  Ed Krause/  Bruce Bryan/  Charles Hinkel/  Hank & Karen Griffith/  Fay Bosland/  Serle A. Wise/  Abe Addonizio/  Frank Russo  — now 37 members    Joe & Ron have completed membership lists. Tabitha updates a membership list on our website periodically.
New budget (reported by Joe Kiester } as of August 17,2020: $190 memberships/  $80 donations/  total at APGFCU : $ 3066.60
     recent expenditures : Go Daddy’s website – – $28.16/  Office Centre copies – $6.36   – paid for by donation
Grant application (from Jean Johnson} : work on the application for the grant for a survey of the Havre de Grace Historic District was completed and submitted on time by Jean Johnson, Carolyn Zinner and Dianne Klair from City Hall. The Maryland Historic Trust will announce winners of the grants in November.
Moore Family Homestead (report from Ron Browning} : I have contacted Laurie Dawson and Joe Conaway of the Dept. of Public Works for HDG for a time frame for the repairs to the front porch and painting of the interior of the house at 710 Market Street. This must be done before any more furniture,exhibits, etc are moved into the premises. The HDG Alliance group has moved into its quarters upstairs on the second floor but awaits painting of the facility too. The exterior landscaping is being well maintained by DPW. The Victory Garden (both vegetable and floral gardens} have been maintained throughout the summer by the HDG Green Team club. Harvests go to the local food pantries.
Trip to Fredericksburg, Virginia  (report from Ron Browning & Joe Kiester}: The Joseph Hopkins family contacted Ron about memorabilia and furniture from the Hopkins family of Havre de Grace. Joe is the son and grandson of generations of Hopkins that once lived in HDG. The family donated a “grandfather” case clock, gooseneck rocker, chair, portraits, framed certificates, journals, and photographs belonging to the Hopkins clan. The Hopkins family, not only lived at 229 & 226 North Union Avenue (Ron’s house} but also Dr.J.Lee Hopkins was a surgeon and major staff member of Harford Memorial Hospital here in HDG. Any members who are interested in sorting through the materials are welcome to contact Ron to begin categorizing and documenting materials. Ron collected the materials from the family in Virginia while they are downsizing. Materials are stored at Ron’s.
Website: Tabitha continues to do an outstanding job on our website  Officers have been updated and a membership list is updated periodically.  We are still working upon a “kickstarter” presence. We are still working on listing associated businesses and offers to members.
Historic walking tour: (from Ron Browning & Kathy Keen}: A historic walking tour was given to Cliff & Joan Hull of Laurel, MD. on Saturday, Sept. 19. Perhaps the foundation can work with the Havre de Grace Historic Preservation Commission, who offers the tours, as the actual operator of the tours; much in the way the city-operated ice rink or Oyster Fest is held. Those organizations and non-profits who “do the work” receive the financial benefits. Further study will need to be done.
Message to the membership (from Ron Browning}: Please continue to encourage membership in the foundation to friends, family, and associates. I will gladly mail out applications to you for this purpose. Please also encourage businesses to investigate how they can be listed on our website and “advertised” for membership and perhaps offering incentives (discounts} to our members. Already Spencer-Silver Mansion Bed and Breakfast, and Bahoukas Antiques are working with the foundation on this matter.
Next meeting: Tuesday, October 27, 2020

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