As of January 31, 2021, Joe K. reports that the treasury contains $4,652.73. The tax papers for the foundation have been filed with HR Block. The paperwork for the tax report to the State of Maryland has been filed, due in April. The federal tax papers are due in May. Members who made donations to the foundation in 2020, should have received tax information in the mail during January from myself and Joe K.
Membership stands at 43 members with the latest members being Deborah Goldman, Dr. John W. Hawkins, Leon Kalas, Jane Currier, and Colonel Allan R. Burke.
I have been in recent contact with Joe Hopkins who has donated Hopkins Family memorabilia to the foundation – letters, deeds, photos and furniture including a grandfather/ case clock dating circa 1780. He and his wife hope to visit Havre de Grace from their new residence in Ohio in May.
FYI, The dates for the Community-wide Yard Sale have been picked for 2021. They are Saturdays, April 17 and September 11 from 8am to roughly 4pm. Raindates are the Sunday after. I have been working with Lauri Orzewicz and Bonnie Castillo at the HDG Visitor Center with the yard sales for many years now. Since sites are scattered around the HDG community, a comprehensive list is provided by the visitor center on its website and on flyer form near to the dates of the sales. . Flyers are available at 226 North Union Avenue and the visitor center- 450 Pennington Avenue on the dates of the yard sales. Also spaces are available to folks who wish a downtown location at 226 North Union Avenue for $10 with proceeds going to the foundation treasury. Please contact me if interested.
ADDITIONAL NOTES FROM Bambi Johnson, Executive Director, Havre De Grace Alliance
In Addition, As you know, the HDG Alliance applied for the Governor’s Maryland Strong Economic Recovery Initiative (MD-SERI) grant. This grant program, which is administered by the Maryland DHCD, is for the state’s 33 designated Main Street Maryland communities and Baltimore City’s 8 designated Main Street neighborhoods to support the economic recovery of local Main Street businesses. We were originally awarded $150,000.00. But wait!! On Monday, in addition to the Relief Act legislation that was signed, SB496 was also signed. This allocated an additional $2 million to the total amount of funding. As a result, all of the awards were recalculated and the Alliance’s award was increased to $210,474.00!
Once all the paperwork is signed and the money is in our account, we will begin distributing it to the Main Street businesses and non-profits. Each of them only needs to fill out a very simple form to receive funds. The funds will be disbursed evenly among those who submit.
We are so proud of this effort and a big “thank you” goes out to Julie for writing the final grant and to the executive committee for convening to lend us their wisdom and guidance! Also to Joe Smith, Rebecca Jessop, Lauri Orzewicz and Johnny Boker for your ongoing work to help us establish the gift card program.